

It is our great honor and pleasure to invite you to the 4th Croatian Congress on Side Effects of Psychopharmacs with International Participation, that will take place in Osijek, from March 29–31, 2012, with theme: “Side effects of antipsychotics: how to avoid them and how can they be useful?”.
Scientific and clinical research is directed towards finding medications with great efficacy and as least as possible adverse side effects. Clinical investigations
showed occurrence of different side effects during treatment with antipsychotics - extrapyramidal symptoms, changes in weight, metabolic side effects, endocrine side effects, cardiovascular side effects, sexual side effects, etc. The knowledge about side effect profile is important since they may influence
the outcome of treatment and therefore the importance of monitoring and early detection of side effects during treatment is emphasized. Early recognition
of side effects is important in order to avoid their adverse effects, but also considering that side effects may influence treatment adherence adversely.
During past congresses about side effects of psychopharmacs, knowledge and experiences on the subject of side effects of psychopharmacs - their
influence on treatment, health and quality of life of the patients - were exchanged
through presentations and discussions. The importance of education
of patients was emphasized, enabling the patient to have active participation
in the treatment. Also, one of the topics from previous congresses about side effects of psychopharmacs were the interactions of psychopharmacs
with different medications, which present great theoretical, scientific, but also practical diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in modern medicine, including psychiatry.
The theme of 4th Croatian Congress on Side Effects of Psychopharmacs with International Participation will be side effects of antipsychotics. The congress
will include different topics - different side effects occurring during treatment with antipsychotics, their influence on treatment, prevention of occurrence of side effects, as well as treatment of different side effects, mechanisms of occurrence of side effects, interactions of antipsychotics with other medications, etc.
Aware of complexity and importance of this subject, it is our sincere belief that through exchange of knowledge and experiences during 4th Croatian Congress on Side Effects of Psychopharmacs with International Participation participants will be enriched with recent knowledge on this subject.
Part of the time is reserved for relaxed gathering in Osijek.
With best regards and looking forward to seeing you in Osijek,
Suzana Uzun, MD, DSc
Oliver Kozumplik, MD, DSc
Professor Miro Jakovljević, MD, DSc